Magic Loop knitting is a way of knitting in the round using a knitting needle with a very long cable. Tunisian crochet can be worked in a very similar way, using a hook with a very long cable. It looks complicated but it is quick and easy to do. Once you’ve done a couple of…
Unforgettable Lotus Motif
I love Red Heart’s Unforgettable self-striping yarn. Yes, I know, it’s “sticky” and that makes it an absolute pain in the butt to unravel if you have to rip back, but it’s the first self-striping yarn whose repeats and colours are gorgeous, and that is consistently available when I want it, since Bernat discontinued Mosaic….
Things that have changed about blogging
My very first ever official “web presence” was in the mid-nineties, probably 1996. I created a Geocities account and set about learning HTML and then later JavaScript and CSS. It wasn’t a blog, but I filled it with page after tacky page of what I knew about the things that interested me: crafts, Tarot, runes,…
The importance of watermarking your images
OK, I will be the first to admit it, I am terrible when it comes to watermarking my images. This goes for both crochet and nail art (My day job is esthetics). I have read several articles online where lawyers, photographers, and other professionals basically poo-poo the importance of using a watermark on images because,…
Crochet Photo A Day Challenge
Do you have an Instagram account? BySincerelyPam is holding a crochet challenge!! Instructions are on the infogram here in the post. If you do happen to do a little instagramming here and there, stop by my account and say hello 🙂
Things that crocheters are tired of hearing
“Crochet is a dying art.” Sure…..that’s why I’m doing it. That’s why there are eleventy billion crochet videos on YouTube….because absolutely no one but me is interested in this stuff. “This isn’t your grandma’s crochet!!” No, no it is not. My grandmother died in 1989, but she did teach me how to crochet, and how…
Selling Crochet Series –
(please note, this endorsement is NOT compensated, I just happen to like Sedie and I think you should, too) Sedie is at it again!! If you haven’t encountered Sedruola in your crochet related travels then you should stop on by – especially if you want to sell crochet or learn other ways to earn money…
Making entrelac look interlaced
The term “entrelac” is derived from a French verb “entrelacer”. In English, this means “to interlace”. Knitted entrelac looks woven/interlaced. Each round or row moves in the opposite direction of the round or row before it because rows are turned and every other row is worked from the wrong side, so it will move in…
For the love of Purl!!!
Many of us come to crochet having learned to knit first. When you knit, of course, you learn the basic knit stitch and then you learn the purl stitch. When you work a row of right side knitting followed by a row of wrong side purling, you get that nice, smooth fabric known as…
I am so not a codemaster :)
So someone was kind enough to point out that they were not seeing any AsSense ads on my blog. Apparently the plugin that I was using has recently updated in such a way so as to be a complete pain in my bum. Hopefully all is fixed!!! I am wanting to install a new theme….